Welcome to Clifford Bowey Public School!
Clifford Bowey is a school of 104 students with Developmental Disabilities who come to our program through a centralized placement process. Each of our students has unique strengths, interests and lived experiences, and our staff is proud to meet students where they are and provide learning opportunities that challenging, rewarding and reflective of the students and individuals they are.
Relationships are at the heart of our work at Clifford Bowey: building trust with students as we work to understand their strengths and needs; collaborating with families to develop learning goals that are responsive to student interest and reflective of family priorities; wrapping supports around students through our multi-disciplinary team, including para-professionals and community partners; and building strong educator teams to deliver programming that supports the health and well being of our students.
Areas of focus for the 2024-2025 school year are:
- This year we continue to focus our literacy goals on working on functional literacy goals. Using a variety of play based and structured literacy practices, students at Clifford Bowey are working on basic literacy skills. With the expertise of our SLP and Communication Disorder Associates, educators are using a variety of communication devices and strategies to meet the needs of all students.
- The Life Skills program continues to explore experiences to make our students more independent! Life Skills can look like cooking, folding clothes, washing dishes, crushing cans, operating a vacuum, and many more skills of independence to support students in their journey through school and beyond. All classes have access to the swimming pool twice a week, the swimming pool is used to build comfort and familiarity in the water and develop skills of independence in the change room.
Through these focus areas, students are working on a variety of IEP goals:
expressive and receptive communication, numeracy, literacy, exploration of the arts, gross and fine motor skills, self-regulation, life skills, and more.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the Clifford Bowey community; we would be very happy to help.
Heather Neelin